Saturday, December 20, 2014


Have you ever been in a place where you need a reminder about what you're doing or who you are? Have you thought that you weren't worthy of your dreams, let alone capable of fulfilling them?

Well, if you haven't, you're the lucky one. And I really do mean one because at some point I think all of us have felt that way at one point or another.




Need I say more? Do you understand what I'm talking about and how I've been feeling lately?

I don't know exactly why I was feeling like this but it was awful. My mind was just constantly saying to me that there was no possible way that I could fulfill my dreams or reach my goals. It was telling me that I'm too sinful for God to use me. That I shouldn't be in school anymore considering this past semester. That I'm not qualified for either of my current jobs or to get the internship that I want at Compassion. That I don't have what it takes to work with Women of Faith, write a book, or start my own non-profit. That I'm not worth the betterment of myself because I'll never get any better. Or that I'm not good enough the way I am  now... well, because I'm not better.

Now how am I going to achieve anything with thoughts like that?

I'm not and I won't.

But after an extremely bad night of this sort of thinking, I got a blessing. I woke up later than I should have for work and I was worried about the "Saturday before Christmas- last minute shopping" traffic. So I rushed to get ready, rushed to make a lunch, rushed to eat a breakfast, rushed to the car and rushed to work... only to get there almost 15 minutes early to sit awkwardly in the parking lot jamming to the radio before I entered the retail chaos.

So I did what any normal person does. I pulled out my phone and checked everything that I didn't have time to check in my rushing. Facebook- normal, Instagram- normal, Gmail-normal. And then my email downloaded more to my inbox.....

There was one email in particular.....

An email from Compassion International HR.

I was afraid that it was going to tell me what I had been convinced of recently.I thought it was going to tell me that  "I wasn't right" or "We're going to go in another direction" or "YOU SUCK". Ok, maybe not the last one but you get my point. But that's not what happened.  It told me that I have been accepted to the next stage of the application process. No, I didn't get the internship...... yet (hopefully). No, I didn't change miraculously overnight. None of my doubts were silenced but it came with a reminder that I desperately needed. It reminded me there is hope. That I can be chosen despite the lies I believe. That I have qualities that prove me to be capable. It reminded me that pretty much everything I've been worrying about is wrong. It was only an update email but it was just the thing I needed.... and I can't wait to see where it goes.


  1. Marilyn,
    This post definitely hits home for me. I know this struggle deeply. And you're right, so many people deal with it. So few people admit it. Thank you for being honest and raw. And thank you for sharing a story of God's faithfulness in everyday life. That is so encouraging.
    I love you!

  2. Remember that little picture you painted that's hanging in the TLC room?? The painting of Christ's COMPASSION that covers all the crap in our lives...Need I say more??!!!/

  3. Marilyn,
    I was going through the Fortify instagram page to look for a girl that knew what I was going through and I went through the likes on a post and I happened to come across your instagram. I was led to click on it only to be disappointed that your account was private. I was getting ready to click home and then I notcied you had a blogspot and I deicded to click on it. I believe God led me here because honestly your posts are exactly what I needed especially this one. I was looking for a friendship but I am blessed by the simple fact that I can come here and read your blogspot when I am struggling. I know that a friendship probably won't come from me posting this but I just wanted you to know that just reading this let's me know that I am not alone in my walk with Christ and that I'm not alone in my daily struggle and that I have a Savior who finds me of worth in his eyes. I most likely won't get a response from this but I just wanted to say Thank You for being so open. It's exactly what I needed. God Bless You <3

    1. Hi there!! I'm so glad that you found my blog and that it encouraged you. I would be thrilled to start a friendship with you! How would you like to communicate?

    2. Would I be able to add you on instagram?

    3. Yes! When I accept you, direct message me so I know it's you!
